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Master Marketing Reporting with Vone  At BeBold, we believe marketing automation is an art and a science. In this interview, we sit down with our Marketing Automation Specialist and Technical Lead, Vone. He unpacks the complexities of marketing reporting and shares his perspectives on best practices, challenges, and the future of this evolving field. So, let's dive in! Articles|3 min The Art of Metric Measurement in Performance Marketing  Arno here, diving into the realm of metrics and performance measurement—a playground where strategy meets productivity. Let’s roll up our sleeves and dissect the art of measuring metrics efficiently. Articles|3 min Insights of a digital marketing and marketing automation intern  Margot, you know, the bookworm, sporty spice and sustainable fashion lover in the BeBold-team? She’s our enthusiastic digital marketing and marketing automation intern. But what does an internship at BeBold entail and what do her days look like? We asked her!   Articles|4 min How to Improve Your Digital Customer Experience (CX)  If you're seeking ways to enhance your digital customer experience, you've come to the right place! This article delves into the significance of having a CX strategy, the reasons why it should be a priority in your marketing efforts, and the methods you can employ to enhance it within your organization. Articles|5 min Attribution: Why You Should Choose Multi-Touch Attribution For Your Business  Setting up campaigns is one job, but understanding which marketing investments are generating leads and sales is something else. 'To measure is to know,' as we often say at Be Bold. But how do you measure and compare the right data? That starts with choosing the right attribution model, such as multi-touch attribution, which offers a comprehensive view of how each touchpoint contributes to conversion. Articles|5 min Appmiral Appmiral is 100% focused on helping event organizers and festival promoters become more successful by enhancing the visitor experience and increasing fan engagement. Additionally, Appmiral supports them in their digital transformation efforts. Through the creation of their festival app, event app, or brand app, events can boost fan engagement and generate revenue throughout the year. Cases|8 min Christelijke Mutualiteit With over 4 million members and a nationwide presence, Christelijke Mutualiteit (CM) is the leading health insurance fund in Belgium. CM is committed to ensuring comprehensive and inclusive healthcare and offers a wide range of services and benefits that cater to the needs of their members. But CM goes beyond mere medical intervention; they aim to empower their members to lead healthier lives by providing proactive advice on nutrition, exercise, mental well-being, and much more. Cases|5 min FirstWave FirstWave emerges as a prominent player in the realm of Clinical Research Services, catering to the dynamic needs of the Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, Biotech, and Vaccine industries. With a comprehensive array of offerings, including CRAs, Project Managers, and Regulatory and Medical Affairs Consultants, Firstwave assumes the role of the vanguard of expertise that companies rely on to navigate the intricate path of successfully launching their products to market. Cases|5 min CaringCrowd CaringCrowd is a crowdfunding platform that brings people together and supports health initiatives worldwide. From basic needs and infectious diseases to accidents and injuries, healthcare systems and access, chronic diseases, and humanitarian emergencies: CaringCrowd is committed to improving public health. Together with their passionate volunteers, they truly make a difference in the lives of vulnerable families and communities around the world. Cases|5 min
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