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10 practical tips for LinkedIn Marketing in 2023

By Louise Verschelden

10 practical tips for LinkedIn Marketing in 2023

Whether you’re an ambitious entrepreneur, savvy marketeer, or successful freelancer, LinkedIn marketing is the key to unlocking unprecedented growth for your business or job role. With its extensive global network of professionals and an array of powerful marketing tools, LinkedIn is the ultimate platform for achieving brand awareness, lead generation, and product launches.  

Over the years, LinkedIn has evolved from a mere “Facebook for companies” into a standalone social media platform with a laser focus on B2B. It’s clear that LinkedIn marketing is an indispensable component of any comprehensive marketing strategy. 

That’s why we’ve put together this blog post containing 10 invaluable LinkedIn marketing tips that you can start implementing today. So don’t wait any longer, read on and take your marketing game to the next level!

What is LinkedIn? 

LinkedIn is a social media platform that specifically focuses on professionals. It’s the largest professional network on the Internet, and we mainly know it as a free display for your skills or company. However, in recent years, LinkedIn invested extensively in the marketing potential of the platform. And now, it has evolved into an essential marketing and networking link for everyone in the corporate world. 

What is LinkedIn marketing? 

When it comes to LinkedIn marketing, you’re not just passively present – you’re actively leveraging LinkedIn as a key ingredient in your marketing strategy. That means making the most of the powerful tools available on the platform, whether you’re using the free version or investing in paid options. With LinkedIn, you have the potential to boost brand awareness, cultivate valuable business relationships and partnerships, and drive targeted traffic to your website – all through organic efforts or targeted advertising. 

 LinkedIn has an array of tools ready to use:  

The social media platform also loves to share its knowledge through LinkedIn Marketing Solutions blog

LinkedIn marketing

Why LinkedIn marketing? 

LinkedIn is an ideal B2B channel with a global community of almost 810 million users in 200 countries and regions worldwide. In Europe, there are around 211 million members and Belgium has 4 million LinkedIn users. Keep in mind, Belgium only has 11.5 million residents, and it’s mostly professionals having a LinkedIn profile. 

Furthermore, the algorithm on LinkedIn is refreshingly user-friendly – at least for now. While other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have become increasingly competitive and saturated, with users fighting for even a shred of attention, LinkedIn still offers a more accessible landscape. In fact, you have the potential to reach a broad audience on LinkedIn, regardless of whether or not they are currently following you. 

In addition, LinkedIn allows you to pinpoint your B2B target audience very specifically while advertising. That advertising often digs a little bit deeper in comparison to advertising on other social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok.  

Besides networking, connecting, and advertising, LinkedIn is of course also an amazing tool to find new employees or to show off your employer branding efforts. 

10 tips for LinkedIn marketing 

Now that you’re up to speed on the power of LinkedIn marketing, it’s time to put your knowledge into action. We’re here to help you take that next step and push your LinkedIn presence to the next level. With our 10 expert tips, you’ll have all the tools you need to transform your LinkedIn presence from good to great – and beyond. So why wait? Give our tips a try and watch as your LinkedIn presence ignites into a full-blown success story! 

Tip 1 

Let’s start with the fundamentals: your company page. It’s essential to pay attention to the details and make sure every aspect of your page is just right. Take the time to carefully fill out all the information and include a banner that perfectly captures your corporate identity, as well as your logo as a profile picture. Your page should immediately convey to visitors what your company does and how to get in touch with you. And don’t forget about your tagline – it’s more than just a slogan, it’s a reflection of your business’s true essence. By giving your company page the attention it deserves, you’ll set the foundation for building a strong and recognizable brand. 

Tip 2 

On LinkedIn, you stay top-of-mind by regularly posting a really good piece of content, for example weekly or twice a week. This way you appear more often on someone’s timeline and – moreover – you profile yourself as a true expert in your field. 

Tip 3 

LinkedIn’s algorithm is your secret weapon for expanding your reach and connecting with even more people, including those who don’t follow you…yet. How does it work, you ask? The key is in those crucial first few hours after posting. If your content receives a high volume of likes, comments, and shares, LinkedIn takes notice and thinks, “Wow, this must be really valuable content!” and decides to showcase it to a much broader audience, including those who reacted to it. That’s how you gain maximum visibility and exposure for your brand, all for free! With this powerful tool at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless. So go ahead, make your mark and connect with the world on LinkedIn! 

Tip 4 

People reading your posts is one thing. Taking action, that’s something else. A catchy conclusion and a clear, triggering call-to-action (CTA) are indispensable, also on LinkedIn. Tell people exactly what you expect from them, such as “Read more on the blog” or “Follow us and stay up to date!”.

Tip 5

Are you looking for top talent to take your business to new heights? Look no further than LinkedIn, the ultimate destination for recruiting your dream team. With a vast pool of potential candidates at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re actively posting job opportunities or seeking out the most promising profiles, LinkedIn is the place to be.

And the benefits don’t stop there! Prospective employees often check out your company page before coming in for an interview, so it’s crucial to make a stellar first impression. That means having an eye-catching profile, accurate information, and up-to-date posts that showcase your employer brand. By following these tips, you’ll attract the best and brightest talent out there and build a team that’s primed for success. 

Tip 6 

Are you tired of sending out countless connection requests and getting no response? Try InMail, the premium LinkedIn feature that allows you to connect with your target audience in a direct and personal way. With InMail, your messages will be delivered straight to the LinkedIn inbox of people with whom you have no prior connection. This means you can reach out to anyone you want and make a lasting impression. And the best part? You can create a customized greeting, provide relevant information, and even make a personal connection that resonates with your reader. With InMail, the possibilities are endless, and your outreach efforts are sure to make an impact.  

Tip 7

Looking for a more targeted way to reach your professional audience with your ads? Look no further than LinkedIn, the ultimate social media channel for business. With LinkedIn Ads, you can target your ads by location, language, gender, and interests, as well as more specific criteria such as business category, company size, level of education, and seniority levels. Whether you’re looking to reach marketers with a keen interest in artificial intelligence who work at specific companies or want to target a broader audience based on their interests and expertise, LinkedIn has got you covered.

Tip 8 

LinkedIn has a wide variety of tools that support you to get the most out of LinkedIn marketing. Quickly install the LinkedIn Campaign Manager to advertise. This tool helps you set up advertising campaigns on LinkedIn. When setting up your ads, you can choose which goal you want to achieve, for example brand awareness, website traffic or lead generation. This way you can rest assured that your advertising budget is well spent.

Tip 9

So, you’re running LinkedIn ads? Impressive! But how do you know if they’re actually working? Sure, you can take a quick glance at the basic campaign charts, but to really get into the nitty-gritty of it all, you’ve got to dig a little deeper. That’s where the good stuff is hidden. By analyzing your charts, you can find out all sorts of useful information. For example, you can discover the job titles of the people who’ve seen your ad, or which companies people work for who’ve clicked on your ad. Talk about handy! 

Tip 10 

And finally, if your LinkedIn advertising objective is lead generation, we have a tip for you. Everyone loves a freebie, right? Offer something valuable for free, like a webinar or white paper, in exchange for their contact information. In a world where personal information is highly valued, this incentive can work wonders.

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