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The digital marketing enigma, or how BeBold solved the Case of the Conversion Killers  Uncover the secrets of digital marketing strategy with BeBold. From detective work to strategic solutions, join us on a journey to online success. Articles|10 min Jim Carrey's father and not enough flags   We spoke with our strategy lead Arno and discovered that organizations have more marketing challenges in common than they realize, and it's their own fault. Do tell! Arno likened it to a lesson from Jim Carrey’s father: not taking risks can lead to failure just as surely as taking them can. Articles|7 min Attribution: Why You Should Choose Multi-Touch Attribution For Your Business  Setting up campaigns is one job, but understanding which marketing investments are generating leads and sales is something else. 'To measure is to know,' as we often say at Be Bold. But how do you measure and compare the right data? That starts with choosing the right attribution model, such as multi-touch attribution, which offers a comprehensive view of how each touchpoint contributes to conversion. Articles|5 min The secret behind a successful lead nurturing campaign BeBold operates her marketing strategy according to the inbound marketing model. Not sure what inbound marketing is about? Check out our intro to inbound marketing. The blog you are reading now picks up where we left off with the first step in inbound marketing: lead generation. Next, we delve into lead nurturing, a crucial process that moves leads through the funnel, turning them into valuable customers. Articles|6 min
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