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CaringCrowd is a crowdfunding platform that brings people together and supports health initiatives worldwide. From basic needs and infectious diseases to accidents and injuries, healthcare systems and access, chronic diseases, and humanitarian emergencies: CaringCrowd is committed to improving public health. Together with their passionate volunteers, they truly make a difference in the lives of vulnerable families and communities around the world.

Successful marketing automation integration for CaringCrowd

Embracing the full potential of marketing automation

In the world of digital marketing, marketing automation is an absolute game-changer. At BeBold, we understand the importance of forging sustainable connections with your target audience. CaringCrowd relies, perhaps more than other companies, on building sustainable connections with their audience. To fully leverage their marketing potential, we selected Oracle Eloqua as their marketing automation tool, allowing them to maximize their global reach.

It is crucial that your marketing automation tool aligns with every aspect of your marketing objectives. It was important for them that the marketing platform not only facilitates their global audience but also efficiently rolls out their numerous international campaigns. An essential requirement in selecting the marketing automation tool was also the ability to provide the necessary flexibility: Their subscribers can follow different projects on their website, and this dynamic needed to be reflected in Oracle Eloqua as well.

The results

→ Full implementation of complex segmentation logic enabling a 360° view of each target audience through a custom-made app.

→ Out-of-the-box marketing solutions that align with all the business needs of CaringCrowd.

→ Seamless integration of Oracle Eloqua enabling international marketing campaigns.
