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Empowering Teams with Marketing Training  Vone here, your go-to marketing automation guru at BeBold. Today, I want to talk about something that's at the core of what I do and what makes the engine of our team roar: constant learning.  Articles|3 min 5 Major Customer Experience Fails You Must Avoid  In today's business, customer experience reigns supreme, there's little room for mishaps. Businesses thrive when they prioritize their customers' needs, but let's face it, we've all seen (or even experienced) some epic fails in customer care. Here, Eric is diving into the top five blunders and how you can steer your ship towards better client management. Articles|3 min Winning the Heart of Customer Satisfaction: Build Lasting Bonds  Discover the keys to proactive collaboration, managing client expectations, and harnassing the power of CRM systems. Show your customers love that last! Articles|3 min Behind the scenes: The role of our Marketing Automation Specialist  With 2024 just beginning, we are at the beginning of a new chapter in the evolution of marketing automation. Join Vone, a passionate Marketing Automation Specialist at BeBold, for a jump into this new phase. Discover how this year promises to push the boundaries, unlock new possibilities and pave the way for groundbreaking innovations within this exciting field. Articles|5 min Wisdom in the Wild: How Animal Insights Improve Your Marketing  In the ever-changing world of marketing, finding new angles can be like discovering hidden gems. Sometimes the gems are up for grabs in, say, your garden or an old nature documentary. Our Content Strategist and Digital Marketing Team Lead Eric briefly takes you into animal kingdom to discover some wild insights that can give your marketing strategy a unique edge. Articles|4 min Active Campaign Release updates   Since Active Campaign has released some very interesting features & improvements in the last 6 months, we thought it was about time to give you some insights on the biggest releases. We carefully reviewed all of them to analyze the impact on our customers and readers. In this post, we have listed the most important features for Active Campaign administrators and users. Articles|7 min CDP vs. CRM vs. Marketing Automation As a marketer leveraging the right marketing technology tools will allow you to stay competitive and engage with customers effectively. Three tools that are gaining significant traction in the marketing world are Customer Data Platforms (CDPs), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, and Marketing Automation software. Articles|8 min How CRM and marketing automation can work together to boost your marketing  The combination of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and marketing automation tools offers companies powerful opportunities to improve both their customer relationships and marketing activities. Articles|3 min Insights of a Technical Marketing Automation Intern  Jens, you know, the IT expert, Formula 1 fan with a passion for swimming and a great sense of humor in the BeBold team? He is our enthusiastic Technical Marketing Automation Intern. But what does such an internship look like? We asked him! The man behind the name, who is Jens Baeten? What are three words which describe you? Articles|3 min
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