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Behind the scenes: The role of our Marketing Automation Specialist  With 2024 just beginning, we are at the beginning of a new chapter in the evolution of marketing automation. Join Vone, a passionate Marketing Automation Specialist at BeBold, for a jump into this new phase. Discover how this year promises to push the boundaries, unlock new possibilities and pave the way for groundbreaking innovations within this exciting field. Articles|5 min The Bold Approach: Lead Generation  At BeBold, we're not afraid to challenge the norm and embrace a different approach to marketing. We specialize in lead generation through the powerful principles of inbound marketing, a strategy that focuses on attracting, engaging, and delighting customers. If you're new to the concept of inbound marketing, don't panic just yet. We've got you covered with our introductory guide to help you understand the ins and outs of this game-changing model. Articles|5 min Vrije Universiteit Brussel Vrije Universiteit Brussel, also known as VUB, is a leading player in Belgian Higher Education and is making its mark in Brussels, Belgium and across the world. This dynamic university is driven by its commitment to deliver high-quality education and conduct wide-ranging research. Welcoming approximately 20,000 students, and collaborating with its affiliated university hospital, VUB fosters a diverse and collaborative community that thrives on knowledge, innovation, and societal impact. Cases|5 min Christelijke Mutualiteit With over 4 million members and a nationwide presence, Christelijke Mutualiteit (CM) is the leading health insurance fund in Belgium. CM is committed to ensuring comprehensive and inclusive healthcare and offers a wide range of services and benefits that cater to the needs of their members. But CM goes beyond mere medical intervention; they aim to empower their members to lead healthier lives by providing proactive advice on nutrition, exercise, mental well-being, and much more. Cases|5 min
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